Sequoia Audubon Society      Donate or Join Sequoia Audubon Society

— The January to March 2025 Newsletter is now available online —

Note: links to external sites open in a new tab or window.

SMCBA needs volunteers for committees and the Board. Please help. Click for opportunities.

Upcoming Meeting

February 13, 2025Zoom Meeting

Bay Area Wildlife
Jeff Miller

Jeff Miller - Bay Area Wildlife book cover

Additional Meeting Information

Additional Program Information


Sequoia Audubon 75th Anniversary

Photo Gallery from Our Celebration

Michael and Forest, an education Great Horned Owl, February 2023, UC Davis Raptor Center


SMCBA Field Trips

Note: Registration is required for every field trip. There are also new protocols that must be followed. A brief description is on the field trip page.

We also encourage participation in the iNaturalist project "Meet your nature neighbors"

Find a Bird in Distress?

If at all possible please leave a baby bird where it is because the adults will usually continue to feed and care for it.

To report a bird in distress please contact the Peninsula Humane Society Wildlife Rescue,
first call 650-340-7022, if directed take it to their center at 1450 Rollins Rd, Burlingame


Radio Road birds

Photo by Donna Pomeroy

Is a Drone disturbing Wildlife?

What you can do if you see a drone disturbing wildlife:

  • Contact your local police non-emergency number.
  • Contact Department of Fish and Game by using the CalTIP program
  • Get the license plate number of the drone pilot's vehicle.
  • Obtain a photo or video of the pilot using the drone in a manner, which is disturbing the birds. However, do not put yourself in danger while doing this. Do not confront the pilot.


Have you tried our Birding Guide?


Photo Resource on


Birds of San Mateo County

What you can do if you see a drone disturbing wildlife:

  • Contact your local police non-emergency number.
  • Contact Department of Fish and Game by using the CalTIP program
  • Get the license plate number of the drone pilot's vehicle.
  • Obtain a photo or video of the pilot using the drone in a manner, which is disturbing the birds. However, do not put yourself in danger while doing this. Do not confront the pilot.


 Birding Your Patch - Patch Birding Class


Volunteers Wanted!

If you are interested in helping to shape the future of The San Mateo County Bird Alliance please consider joining the Board. While all members' ideas are welcome and encouraged, participating as a Board or Committee Member increases the opportunity to get involved in the "nuts & bolts" of the chapter.

We have several open positions at this time, as shown below. Please have a look and let us know if you (or anyone you know!) are interested by contacting The San Mateo County Bird Alliance at: (650) 529-1454 or

Open positions include:

  • Program Committee: Help arrange speakers for the monthly meetings.
  • See the Volunteer Page for other opportunities to help Sequoia Audubon Society
For more information about these open positions, please visit our Volunteer Page.

Learn Bird Sounds and Benefit
The San Mateo County Bird Alliance

Ever wish you knew how to identify birds by ear? It's one of the most essential birding skills, but one of the hardest to learn. Some folks from Seattle's Audubon chapter set out to make learning bird sounds truly accessible to everyone.

The result is Larkwire: a game-based learning system that uses cognitive techniques to make it easier to learn and remember bird sounds. Combining quiz games, an extensive sound library, and tips from renowned birdsong expert Michael O'Brien, Larkwire makes the learning process not only much easier but fun. Customizable levels from beginner to advanced invite both the backyard birder and the serious student to play and learn.

The company behind Larkwire is a social venture whose mission is not only to teach birdsong; a minimum of ten percent of all proceeds go to support conservation.

The San Mateo County Bird Alliance has joined their affiliate program; enter our code when you purchase and we'll receive 20% of the purchase price! Our code: SEQAUD

Larkwire is now available as a native app
in the Apple App Store.

Learn bird sounds with Larkwire.
It's a great tool and your purchase supports The San Mateo County Bird Alliance

The San Mateo County Bird Alliance protects native birds and other wildlife and their ecosystems in San Mateo County by engaging people of all ages in conservation, education, advocacy and enjoyment.

Join the Audubon Action Center
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Please consider supporting the San Mateo County Bird Alliance with a tax-deductible donation.

Donate to SAS Today
Your support is greatly appreciated.

The San Mateo County Bird Alliance is committed to equal opportunity and abides by all relevant laws and regulations.  All San Mateo County Bird Alliance programs and volunteer opportunities are administered without regard to race, gender, creed, national origin, age, political affiliation, marital status, sexual orientation, physical, mental or sensory handicap, or any other basis prohibited by law.  However, San Mateo County Bird Alliance reserves the right to exclude volunteers who do not support its goals.

Entire Web Site, all content and photos © 1997 - 2025 SMCBA