San Mateo County, California
Field Trip Report
Mitchell Canyon, Mt. Diablo State Park
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Our group enjoyed clear but breezy weather at Mitchell Canyon on April 17. The parking lot was very birdy, with Acorn Woodpeckers, Lesser and American Goldfinch, House Wren and others.
On the main trail we were surprised to see a Lewis's Woodpecker fly by. Shortly thereafter we had a close up Hammond's Flycatcher, and then a singing Black Throated Gray Warbler traveling with a large group of Audubon's and Myrtle Warblers.
Other good birds were several singing Black Headed Grosbeaks, Wild Turkeys, Bullock's Oriole, Ash Throated Flycatcher and a shy Cassin's Vireo. One of the most interesting sights was a beautiful Alameda Whipsnake in a bush. This threatened species was a real treat.
— Ginny Marshall