San Mateo County, California
Field Trip Report
Pescadero Marsh Walk
April 3rd, 2009
We had a great walk Sunday. Sixteen participants and four Marsh Docents (Avis, Rita, Nancy and Rob).
We saw two garter snakes, four fence lizards andtwo pond turtle. The lizards put on a good show of "push ups" and blue scales and belly visible. Beautiful.
Birds included sanderling, brandt, western gull, great egret, snowy egret, caspian tern, song sparrow, black turnstone, surfbird, crow, raven, bufflehead, swallow (sp?), greater yellowlegs, mallard, great blue heron, marsh wren, coot, gadwall,common yellowthroat, anna's hummingbird, turkey vulture, red tailed hawk, yellow rumped warbler. Also heard robin, wrentit and cal towhee.
— Rita J